Athlete Spotlight

Katie Glendy

How long have you been doing CrossFit? Who or what got you started?

Almost 3 years now. I was looking for something to keep me motivated in the gym and a friend recommended CrossFit.

Tell us a little bit about yourself: (Family, career, hobbies, interests)

I grew up on a ranch in Wyoming. Played all the sports in high school, and played basketball in college for one year. After that I decided to switch paths and served in the US Navy for 10 years. I now go to school full time majoring in Exercise Science, and work for a landscaping company managing the horticulture department.

What is your favorite memory at Alpine CrossFit?

Too many to count. I just love the feeling of community and family every time I’m there.

What was your workout regimen before joining Alpine?

Typical “bro” gym workouts and sporadic cardio

 How has CrossFit affected your life outside of the gym?

I’ve gained some really cool friends, some that I would call family. It helps me mentally and a good stress relief throughout the week.

 What was your first workout, and what did you think after doing it?

I think it was the George Floyd “I can’t breathe” workout. Pretty intense.

What is your favorite and least favorite WOD?

Favorite: anything with heavy lifting/running. Least favorite: anything with gymnastics

What are your favorite and least favorite movements?

Favorite: split jerks. Least favorite: toes to bar

What advice would you give a newbie just getting started at Alpine CrossFit?

It may be intimidating at first, but just use that to continuously become better in all aspects.